City’s Paid Sick Leave Notice Now Available
The City of Los Angeles (City) recently increased minimum wage and doubled California’s paid sick leave requirements (Ordinance No. 184320) for “Employees,” i.e., workers performing labor within the City for a given employer for at least two hours in a particular week. (See below for City limits maps.)
As we previously noted, Ordinance No. 184320 did not clearly state whether small businesses with 25 or fewer “Employees” were allowed to wait until 2017 to comply with these City paid sick leave standards.
The City’s newly-issued official notice answers this question. Starting July 1, 2016, all Employers with 26 or more Employees must receive the City’s paid sick leave. Employers with 25 or fewer Employees do not have to provide these sick leave benefits until July 1, 2017.
The official notice also summarizes the City’s minimum wage increases and describes when and how sick pay is earned and used. The notice reiterates that Employees are protected from any discrimination or retaliation for exercising their rights to receive the City’s paid sick leave.
As stated in the City’s companion ordinance (Ordinance No. 184319), every Employer (presumably regardless of size) must post in a conspicuous place at any workplace or job site the City’s official notices in English, Spanish, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Hindi, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Armenian, Russian and Farsi, and any other language spoken by at least five percent of the Employees at the workplace or job site. Employers may download the official notices at
Click here or here to find out if a particular address is located within City limits.
If you would like further, more detailed information, please contact Tim Bowles, Cindy Bamforth or Helena Kobrin.