ALL IN THE FAMILY « Law Offices of Timothy Bowles | Top Employment Law Firm in Los Angeles


New Workplace Notice Available For Family Related Leaves  

Starting April 1, 2019, covered California employers must post the new Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave notice (DFEH-100-21/March 2019).

Previously, the notice was only for employers with 50 or more on payroll. It summarized employee rights and responsibilities when requesting Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave.

The revised notice includes additional information on the New Parent Leave Act (NPLA). The NPLA requires all private California employers with 20 or more on payroll to provide eligible workers with up to 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected parental leave to bond with a new child within one year of birth, adoption, or foster care placement. See also, What’s New For 2018- California “New Parent Leave Act” Impacts Small Business (December, 2017).

Employers with 20 to 49 on payroll must post the new notice. Employers with 50 or more must replace their current notice with the new notice.

Post the notice conspicuously where all employees may view it in each company location. If 10 percent or more of the workforce are non-English speaking, the notice must also be displayed in the applicable language(s).

Employers may purchase and display an all-in-one poster from the California Chamber of Commerce or other organizations.

For additional assistance, please contact one of our attorneys Tim Bowles, Cindy Bamforth or Helena Kobrin.

Cindy Bamforth

April 12, 2019