January 1, 2023, the California state minimum wage will be $15.50 per hour for all employers, regardless of size.
The California cities and counties below have local ordinances with higher rates than the state. Employers must review and comply with the rules for any locality in which their employees work. The UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education publishes regular updates.
California law requires employers to reimburse employees for all necessary work-related expenses. Courts broadly interpret this law to fully protect workers from being forced to cover their employers’ operating costs.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1949, effective January 1, 2023, requires private employers of five or more people and all public employers to provide five days of bereavement leave to employees upon the death of a child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, or parent-in-law.
Starting with well-drafted policy, employers should clearly define acceptable and unacceptable social media usage to ensure employees do not impermissibly disclose confidential company information, infringe third party intellectual property rights, or harass and discriminate against others.
Now’s the time to secure your spot for our virtual sessions on “what’s new” in California employment law for 2023.
The all-day session – offered on two dates — includes, among much more:
Currently, Labor Code 432.3 requires employers to provide the pay scale, i.e., the range of hourly or salary rates, to an applicant if requested after an initial interview.
For the fourth year running, Law Offices of Timothy Bowles is Best of Pasadena’s best law firm. Thanks to everyone who voted and supported us. We are pleased to continue to provide experienced and trustworthy guidance to business navigating the difficulties of California employment law.
California Labor Code section 515.5 exempts certain computer software professionals from overtime compensation upon receipt of specified minimum compensation.
Every two years, employers with five or more on payroll must provide at least two hours of classroom or other effective interactive sexual harassment prevention training and education to all California supervisory employees and at least one hour of such training to all nonsupervisory employees working on-site or remotely within California.
The car wash industry is a frequent target of the Labor Commissioner. A 2017 enforcement action against Classic Castle Car Wash, Inc. (Classic Castle), owner of two car washes in Long Beach, ultimately resulted in a judgment of $282,000 for unpaid overtime, minimum wage, reporting time, liquidated damages and waiting time penalties in 2020.