Required Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Posting in CaliforniaCalifornia law requires most employers who have had more than 10 employees on payroll during the last calendar year to keep illness and injury records for each worksite. Covered employers must also conspicuously post at each worksite an annual accident and injury summary for the prior calendar year from February 1 to April 30. California’s Code of Regulations lists possible exemptions for qualified establishments in the retail, service, finance, insurance or real estate industries. The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“Cal/OSHA”) website contains an overview of what is required, i.e., what forms to use, what injuries/illnesses and other information an employer must record, when employers should omit an employee’s name because of sensitive information or situation, and so on. The site also offers an interactive educational module, FAQs, and other helpful information from these pages. The website also has the required forms for the annual record keeping (Cal/OSHA 300) and summary reports (Cal/OSHA 300A). Regardless of whether a company is required to keep and post records of illnesses and injuries, it still is required to report to Cal/OSHA any deaths or serious injuries or illnesses. For further information, please contact Tim Bowles, Cindy Bamforth or Helena Kobrin. See also:
Helena Kobrin |