You May Have a Copyrighted Work and Don’t Know It If you have ever written a story, poem, novel, essay, research paper, or song, taken a photograph or video, performed music, or been in a play or a film, you were at some point a copyright owner. However, you may not still own those rights […]
When In Doubt, Choose Contracts Over Lunch In a 1990 copyright decision over a sci-fi flick featuring alien frozen yogurt enslaving the human race (yes, that is correct), federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski noted that the producer defendant — a “low-budget horror movie mogul” – justified his attempt to use another’s […]
How Long Are Copyrights Protected? Not So “Elementary, My Dear Watson!” Copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and patents are “intellectual property,” as compared with “real property” or real estate –land and buildings – or “personal property” – other physical property. A company’s intellectual property is often its most valuable asset. Thus of course, ensuring maximum protection […]