firing employees « Law Offices of Timothy Bowles | Top Employment Law Firm in Los Angeles

Posts Tagged ‘firing employees’


Proceed with Good Judgment The best handling for workplace theft is to prevent it in the first place. Suspected or alleged employee thievery – and an employer’s twin obligations to protect the group against an actual thief and to protect the accused from false charges — is a delicate challenge.  A company’s much more straightforward […]

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Termination for Absence or Lateness As “at-will” status permits either the employer or the employee to freely end the relationship even with no advance notice and for no reason at all, obviously a business can legitimately terminate an “at-will” worker for not showing up or for being late.  However, there are some practical considerations. Normally, […]

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When Employers May be Liable for “Causing” a Resignation As an employer, you might assume the company is immune from any wrongful termination claim if an employee quits on his or her own accord.   However, a worker may still prove a business is responsible for wrongful “constructive discharge” even when he or she has deliberately […]

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