Hold the Line on Over-the-Top Halloween Costumes All Hallows’ Eve. That spooky time of year when witches, vampires and zombies roam the land. From management’s perspective, however, the scariest Halloween costumes are those which are too revealing or are otherwise offensive to others in the workplace. For example, earlier this year a lingerie website began […]
Workplace celebrations for end-of-year holidays can build teamwork and morale if properly planned and managed. Here are some suggested do’s and don’ts so your festivities will be a rousing success and not a human resources nightmare. DO: Start by evaluating what type of events best fit your company’s culture, but remember that even if you […]
Attempted Hook-Ups Can Lead to Litigation Shake-Downs Our 2010 blog “Office Holiday Survival Guide” provides a roadmap for handling alcohol at holiday office parties. By its off-the-clock and put-work-aside nature, the annual company-wide gathering may also be a prime setting for unwelcome sexual advances by employees, worse yet by managers. Such harassment is not […]
Attempted Hook-Ups Can Lead to Litigation Shake-Downs We have already outlined a roadmap for handling alcohol at holiday office parties. By its off-the-clock and put-work-aside nature, the annual December office gathering may also be a prime setting for unwelcome sexual advances by employees, worse yet by managers. Such harassment is not an experience anyone […]
Office Holiday Survival Guide II: Respecting Employee Religious Practices Christians and Jews hold far from a “monopoly” on December as a major holiday month. Here is your end-of-the-year interfaith and cultural diversity line-up for 2010 (to the degree we could determine with a few Google searches): Dec 1: Suijin-Matsuri – Shinto Dec 2-9: Hanukkah – […]
A Risky Cocktail: Alcohol and an Employee Party Tradition dictates year-end celebration and resolution. For an office’s annual party, should such a “celebration” include alcohol? If management’s answer is “yes,” then common sense ought to be applied to maximize the safety and well-being of all attending as well as the public. For example: Hold the […]