Clear, written workplace policies are a critical component for workplace legal compliance and productivity. Our unprecedented combination of pandemic conditions and California’s well-earned reputation as a litigation hotbed underscore the importance of sound, across-the-boards written rules and protocols.
A California appellate court has confirmed — in Espinoza v. Hepta Run, Inc. — that California meal and rest breaks do not apply to short-haul, property-carrying truck drivers in interstate commerce.
California and the federal government require employers to distribute or post a legion of notices on workplace laws and complaint procedures.
The California Labor Commissioner has launched an online wage claim application in English and Spanish.
Upon creating an account, applicants can access forms and upload documentation (e.g., paystubs, bounced checks) to seek recovery for Labor Code violations such as:
As a possible first step toward such limitations across other California industries, Assembly Bill (AB) 701 places specific conditions on warehouse distribution center imposition of worker production quotas, effective January 1, 2022.
The U.S. Supreme Court has come to opposite conclusions in two cases challenging federally mandated COVID-19 vaccinations.
The federal government requires employers to verify identity and work authorization of their employees using a Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) with certain supporting documentation.
California has at last moved to eliminate conflicting agency directions on pandemic-related isolation and quarantine timeframes.
Clear, written employee policies are the foundation for workplace legal compliance and productivity. Prolonged pandemic conditions and California’s earned reputation as a litigation hotbed underscore the importance of sound, across-the-boards written rules and protocols.
The California Labor Commissioner has revoked the garment manufacturing license of VRP Fashion, Inc. for workplace violations, putting it out of business.