California has numerous government agencies concerned with employment and labor issues. Until its disbanding 20 years ago, they included the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC), the source of the 18 Wage Orders, largely by industry, still enforced in the state.
California employers with five employees or more must provide eligible workers with unpaid job-protected family and medical leave under the California Family Rights Act(CFRA). Employers with 50 or more employees must also comply with the corresponding federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
In the face of a particularly intense string of 100-plus degree days ahead, Cal/OSHA’s July 12, 2023 news release reminds employers to safeguard workers from heat illness, referencing the particular areas of the state likely to be hit the hardest.
Ending the employment relationship can be relatively painless if properly conducted in adherence to a well-written handbook policy and legally compliant procedures.
While ordinarily a January 1 activity, some changes in federal laws are requiring employers to update their employment law posters as of July 1, 2023. The changes are triggered by the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act) and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA).
When people read about a deranged gunman murdering seven agricultural workers at two farms in Half Moon Bay, they likely gave no thought to possible OSHA safety citations for the employers. However, Cal/OSHA has now investigated those incidents and is proposing penalties against California Terra Garden, Inc. (Terra) and Concord Farms Inc. (Concord) of $113,800 and $51,770 respectively.
Tardiness is any time an employee arrives late to work or is not ready to work at the start of a scheduled shift.
Unexcused or excessive tardiness can often lead to disciplinary action. However, employers must administer tardiness standards in a uniform, nondiscriminatory manner. No-fault attendance policies, such as automatic discipline for five or more lateness in a three-month period should never include legally protected reasons, e.g., reasonable disability accommodations, mandatory paid sick leave, pregnancy disability leave, jury duty, or Labor Code 1139 “emergency conditions.”
While the truth has been frequently known to set individuals free, Sacramento-based Taqueria Garibaldi has received a $140,000-plus reality adjustment after reportedly attempting to intimidate staff by having a fake priest extract confessions during a U.S Department of Labor investigation.
Attendance and absence policies should of course make clear that turning out as scheduled is expected. The care comes in listing excused or authorized absences, including legally-protected sick leave, pregnancy disability leave, on-the-job injuries or illnesses, and, as of January 1, 2023, permitted “emergency condition” absence under California Labor Code section 1139. That law protects covered employees for refusing to report to, or leaving, a workplace on a reasonable belief of an unsafe “emergency condition” defined…
Management should put some thought into the content of music transmitted over workspaces. In Sharp v. S&S Activewear, L.L.C. (June 7, 2023), the federal appeals court for the western states drew the line between at least tolerably appropriate and unlawfully offensive.