Changes to California’s Mandatory Workplace Pamphlets on State Benefit Programs California employers must provide certain government-issued pamphlets or information sheets to new hires, to employees on certain types of leaves of absence, and to workers upon termination of employment. The California Employment Development Department (EDD) — overseeing unemployment and disability benefits, payroll tax collection, and […]
New Workplace Notice Available For Family Related Leaves Starting April 1, 2019, covered California employers must post the new Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave notice (DFEH-100-21/March 2019). Previously, the notice was only for employers with 50 or more on payroll. It summarized employee rights and responsibilities when requesting Family Care […]
KNOCK, KNOCK When It’s Your Turn For a Government Payroll Audit For California, the Employment Development Department (EDD) is responsible for the administration of unemployment and disability insurance, workforce training services and payroll audits. The agency has the power to impose significant, potentially fatal penalties for non-compliance. An EDD visit to look over pay practices […]
California Aims to Protect Workers Against Race-Based Natural Hairstyle Bias Federal, state and local laws have long banned workplace racial discrimination. A recent trend seeks to expand such protections to various race-based traits, particularly certain hairstyles. Under California’s now-pending Senate Bill (SB 188), workplace dress or grooming policies prohibiting natural hairstyles, including Afros, braids and […]
Mrs. Aimee Rosales has been promoted to the position of Office Manager. Her larger role comes after over two years of success as technical assistant for our attorneys. Aimee has extensive executive and administrative experience in the humanitarian non-profit world. We are very pleased to have her take the reins of the firm’s management and […]
Higher Required Salaries for Managers Nationwide? In 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a Final Rule raising the minimum salary amounts to qualify for executives, administrative, professional, outside sales and computer employees overtime exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It would have more than doubled the amount that employers had to […]
California Employers Must Pay Wages for Required Call-In to Confirm Day’s Work Schedule Employers who require workers to call in to ascertain whether they are needed for a scheduled work shift will now need to rethink this practice. California Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) publishes “wage orders” containing regulations on wages, breaks, record-keeping and other working […]
Ms. Loretta Gardea has joined the firm as our client services representative. Loretta has an extensive background in customer relations as well as experience with sales, marketing and product development. Loretta also speaks Spanish. She has an A.A. in Liberal Arts from Bakersfield College, was a foreign language major and attended Nevada School of Real […]
Required Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Posting in California California law requires most employers who have had more than 10 employees on payroll during the last calendar year to keep illness and injury records for each worksite. Covered employers must also conspicuously post at each worksite an annual accident and injury summary for the prior […]
Ms. Valerie Chavez now our firm’s director of promotion and marketing. Valerie comes to us with a background in service industry management, with experience and appreciation for client communications and security. She has pursued study in justice administration at Pasadena City College and is looking to continue her education within the legal profession. We welcome […]